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Monday, February 21, 2011

Prescribing Gems & Other Remedials (Component 14 - Remedial)

Various astrological reasons for prescribing gems

1. If a planet is exceptionally weak, esp. a natural benefic, with many planets in the signs of its lordhsip => use the gems to increase and imbibe the energy of the planet. (do not forget to consider factors to do with planetary strength covered in component 6 of syllabus as well as note if the lord of sign in which Ak planet is placed in Navamsa is weak).

2. If a planet is strong, a temporal benefic, but afflicted by malefic conjunctions => use the gem to over-ride the afflicting planet and pacify the negative expression of the planet

3. If a planet is a temporal benefic but weak => to strength the beneficial bhavas and areas of life

4. If a planet is a temporal benefic (lagna lord or 9th lord) and is well placed and aspects important/own houses => use gems to improve the overall chart eg. Jupiter as a temporal benefic in a trine esp. in fire or water signs. (Also note strength of Moon against Ascendant and consider Moon's sign and Nakshatra lord)

5. If planet is a natural benefic or a temporal benefic, and aspects afflicted (friendly )planets => use its gem to pacify afflicted planet

6. If a planet is running that dasa period => to maxamise and pacify the expression of the planet during the time of its operation

7. If the activities of daily life are related to, and require more of, the planet's energy => eg. the planet Mercury, the Business of communication and calculation & the use of the gem Emerald on the little finger

Ultimately, one needs to consider the chart in total before deciding which of the above reasons to use in prescribing a gem. In this regard, Dr David Frawley's book "Astrology of the Seers" provides a very good chapter on remedials.

Personally, I tend to always choose the prescription depending on the overall strength and evolution of the chart. For example, if the Ascendant, Moon and Sun are strong and the trinal lords are well disposed, I would only then consider strengthening a natural malefic that is particularly weak in a chart but, would as Frawley suggests, strengthen it in association with a friendly benefic. ie. if Mars was weak, a yellow topaz could be used in association with the red coral to enhance the positive qualities of the Mars; especially if the Jupiter aspected the Mars.


Gems are often the most common and passive means of remedial used, by which planetary influences are harmonised. Gems, in there crystalised form, carry a high ether and light content, and through the ether of consciousness and the elctro-magnetic resonance and nadis of the body, help the individual imbibe more of the planetary influence. Through the 7 rays of light, within the infrared (kethu) and ultra-violet (Rahu) spectrum, gems act through light and colour to add rays into the psyche of the recipient.

However, there are other yogic and practical methods that are important. Similar "passive" complimentary methods exist; such as the use of Yantras (geometric designs), Mandalas and the application of Vastu (Indian geomancy - sacred space) or even, talismans (charged yantras) and clothing (colour).

But on a more dynamic, inter-active level, methods that employ (mental and physical) participation of the individual are often more effective; especially for deeper psychological or psychic imbalances. These include Mantras (words of power), Pujas & Homas (sacred rituals), Ayurvedic & Holistic Medicines (eg. nutritionals, diet, herbs, aromas as well as colour) and Hatha Yogas (notably, asana postures, pranayama deep breathing and mudras or physiological/psychic "locks").

Most significantly, the best approach is an integrated, complimentary approach that harmonises the above methods into one's lifestyle. This includes devotion to, and an understanding of, the life-force in one's life, as well as a re-evaluation and application of life style changes. A spiritual, yet practical approach to life is best, encompassing the holistic principles of philosophical works such as the Bhagavad Gita within the modern, contemporary context.

According to one's chart, constitution and temperament this includes understanding oneself, and the need for happiness through union (yoga) and balance with one's Being and Becoming through a life of Karma (work), Bhakti (worship), Jnana (wisdom) Raja (will) and the Zen/Tao (natural/dharmic way).

Traditionally, in India, this has included devotion to the forces of nature, life-force or deity; often through devotional singing via the healing combination on the head (ie. knowing the meaning of mantric words sung), heart (ie. gradually feeling the powerful vibration of the mantric words) and hands (ie. clapping to the rhythm to percolate the vibration through the nadis of the hand to the heart/body/mind; and in unison with others to create a heightened, communal vibrational "frequency or resonance" on the bodies, minds and spirits of all the participants). Sound, music and ether, the latter being the most subtle of elements, effects a vibrational change within one's own etheric space, consciousness and brain. They thereby, increase one's sensitivity to absorb more of the satwic guna and life force (prana) of nature (prakriti)into one's consciousness and awaken the hidden, dormant potential energies of the body and brain to rise up and receive the descent of universal, cosmic healing energies through the crown chakra.

In summary, all remedials can be used and qualified for each individual to either strengthen deficiencies in, or "unlock", one's specific "DNA" through vibrational resonances to one's unique prakriti or nature. For this, jyotish and the timing of remedial according to the cycles of nature are important, as well as a holistic approach that balances common sense and experience with reason and intuition.

In fact, I believe an integrated paradigm for health and happiness is still the call of the day; where a synthesis between eastern (mysticism) and western (scientific) models, tropical & sidereal astrology, as well as alternative and traditional approaches, are still evolving towards a true holism. As a physiotherapist interested in holistic medicine, I have tried to put forth such a proposal based on categorising 5 levels of health; bio-mechanical (Earth), bio-chemical (Water), bio-vibrational-pranic (Fire), bio-environmental (Air) & bio-spiritual (Ether).  As one's vibration or "evolution" goes deeper (towards the etheric attribute of space and consciousness), so too does the conditions and limits of healing increase, and the metaphysical level and paradigms for so called "siddhis", subtler powers, or "miracles" to take place within one's own consciousness. ie. what applies at the level of mechanics may not apply at the level of chemistry. In the same way, what applies at developed levels of "prana" and mind and consciousness may supersede its foundational levels.

For those interested in a brief presentation, you can have a look at my blog links:-

Finally, the ultimate purpose of jyotish and healing is to lead one through Self-knowledge and Self-inquiry to the ultimate medicine of Advaita Vedanta, wholeness and transcendence as espoused by realised sages such as Nisargadatta Maharaj and Ramana Maharishi. 

Note that Advaita Vedanta is the philosophical essence of Hinduism or the "Vedas" (Sanskrit word for knowledge). Vedan-ta means the "end of knowledge" and Advaita means Non-dualism or Oneness. Advaita Vedanta teaches the identity of the real "I", as Consciousness, with the Absolute (ie. Oneness with God, Siva, Allah, Jehovah, Tao, Nirvana etc.).

Similar teachings can be found at the essence of the mystical, inner doctrines of the world religions, such as in Sufism (Islam), Kabbala (Judaism), Tao(ism) , Zen (Budddism) and Gnosticism (Christianity).

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