Over the last 15-20 years ago, physical Yoga, as a health exercise and a way of life, has grown in popularity around the world. Since then, the health practices of Ayurveda (through the works of Deepak Chopra & Dr David Frawley), and now the philosophy of Advaita (eg. from Ramana Maharishi to Eckhart Tolle) and the study of Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), are doing the same.
It is my belief that a deeper understanding of metaphysics/sacred geometry/mysticism & mythology (of all traditions) and the integration of these holistic systems into the mainstream of many people's lives and cultures will help revolutionize a spiritual consciousness that is taking place under the current era of global financial, mental and spiritual crisis.
A deeper, intellectual understanding of inter-faith and a humanistic approach is required. As examples, consider the importance of Sufism, Yoga/Tantra & Zen in the world today and the following links:-
Sufism (Mystic Islam): for more links on the mysticism & Sufism, to the sacred geometry in Islamic architecture, it's lunar calendar & the metaphysics of the Perennialists, See; http://innereyesfamilyorchestra.blogspot.com/2011/11/islam-sufism-great-muslim-sufi-scholars.html
Yoga: Hinduism or Health: http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/2008/12/yoga-in-hinduism.html
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_philosophy & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_%28illusion%29 (Maya) & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a (Guna)
Yoga in Sufism: (bottom of post) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga
Zen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zen
Comparative Mysticism: http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/mysticism/index.html & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysticism
Transcendentalism (in the USA & the West): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendentalism & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendental_idealism
Perennialism (Unity of Mystic Faiths/Metaphysicians): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perennial_philosophy; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditionalist_School, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral_%28spirituality%29, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_perennialism
Etymology, Symbolism & Mythology: http://www.constellationsofwords.com/; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymology; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolism & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythology
Philosophy, Epistemology & Metaphysics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics, http://www.venoastrology.com/article5.htm
Humanism & Philanthropy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philanthropy
Sathya Sai Baba Organisation (Philanthropy, Perennialist Philosophy of the Sanata Dharma, to education in human values) http://amamariesimard.tripod.com/id12.html & http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/ (links to Sai organsiation, inter-faith groups, other spiritual teachers & Yoga)
Philanthropic (Metaphysics) Business Model: http://metaphysicalhouse.blogspot.com/ (brief introduction to metaphysics at bottom half of post page)
For this purpose, I proposed a vision (the Jiva Project - 2003) for the synthesis of business, educational (including mystic/metaphysical inter-faith) and a health model through the ideas presented on my JiVa5 edu-create proposal - via http://www.scribd.com/doc/59746774/Edu-Create-Book. or http://www.cyberax.eu/book/2091309/edu-create-book (an educational proposal using the language of metaphor, metaphysics and associative symbolic learning (including Jyotish) to bridge the edu-care of human values with the education of socratic perennialism; the Appendix has more on philosophy & Vedantic metaphysics)
Using the metaphysical axiom of "as above, so below", this is a proposal to suggest an internet astro-chakra portal to help connect knowledge categorised into 7 levels of symbolic associated topics based on correlations between chakras in Yoga and the karakas of Jyotish astrology to the affairs of daily life. Posts could be collected as in "wikipedia" and compartmetalised in sub-portal topics in one of the relevant 7 main chakra portals. A search engine could be developed to find pages stored in their relevant sub-portal; in the process, revealing the associated topics in other sub-portals. See an example of this through the "chakrapedia" link below.
Connecting Yoga(chakras) & Jyotish (planetary karakas) through the Metaphyics of Sankhya Philosophy
Based on the Sankya philosophy, the microcosm (Jiva - soul) and macrocosm (Siva - God) are one and the same Purusha (spirit) with the 5 elemental Prakriti (nature) constituting and enveloping both.
These 5 elements correlate to the 5 Senses/Planets/Values:-
Ether&Jupiter/Space,Sound,Ears,Hearing/Ahimsa Non-violence;
Air & Saturn/Time, Skin & Touch/Shanti & Peace;
Fire & Mars/Light, Eyes & Sight/Sathya & Truth;
Water & Venus/Tongue & Taste/Prema & Love;
Earth & Mercury/Nose & Smell/Dharma & Right Action.
In the astrological context, the power of Maya (illusion of the Moon's Nodes)creates the flux in the Space (Jupiter) of consciousness, in which Sun's light is veiled and refracted into a world, with its laws and limits of Saturn, Time and Karma.
It operates on the particularised Jiva as the 5 koshas (sheaths of food, life force, mind, intelligence and bliss).
In jyotish (vedic astrology and astronomy), this power of Maya is represented by the ecliptic points Kethu (south node) and Rahu (north node of the Moon).
From the perspective of the chakra system of hatha/kundalini Yoga, these nodes represent the 7th crown (universal) chakra; the 1008 petalled lotus.
Kethu (the veiling, upward and releasing power) eclipses the sun, whilst Rahu (the projecting, involuting downward materialising power) eclipses the Moon. Thus, the 6th chakra with its 2 petals and nadis (solar and lunar) represent these two luminaries below the 7th. Consecutively below the 6th are the 5th chakra (ruled by Mercury with its 2 signs), the 4th chakra (Venus), 3rd (Mars), 2nd (Jupiter) and 1st (Saturn).
Through this scheme, 2 signs share a chakra each, and all 12 signs represent the 6 ascending chakras with the 7th ruled by the nodes; the last representing Maya's hold by the Purusha (spirit) creating the sense of duality of consciousness, separation and plurality of JiVas.
By this integration of the 7 levels of yoga with jyotish, I developed the idea of a d'Chakrapaedia which correlates the 7 chakras to 7 portals of "knowing"; ie. Divinity, Detachment, Discrimination, Devotion, Determination, Desire (Discipline), Duty (& the Dollar). See http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/. The blog correlates the 7 chakras, as the quantum and metaphysical portals, to "you" as the "knower" or "jiva", and shares knowledge of the "world" or "known" through these 7 portals of knowing in the context of Sai Baba's and others teachings.
The aim is a more synthesized knowledge base, unifying knowledge into a fullness that helps the knower become more naturally one with the known (the world) and guide one to a spiritual knowledge of oneself.
Note: The Real Self or Brahman principle is beyond the 7 chakra centres but is, according to the Advaita Vedanta of Ramana Maharishi, located in the body as the sense of "I" (ie. the 8 petalled lotus in the right side of the chest, and NOT the physical heart or anahata 4th chakra with its associated cardiac plexus and thymus gland).
This Spiritual Heart centre is connected through the crown chakra via the "amrita nadi". However, the chit-jagath granthi (knot of world consciousness) veils this Heart due to the mind being turned outwards and ignorantly and habitually identified with the limited body, maintaining one's sense of separation from the world.
However, once this knot is released through abidance in and realisation of the Real Self (the Brahman or Tat,) becoming the Jiva-atma (the Soul or Twam), the "knower, knowing & knowledge" are transcended; Brahman being beyond time, space, knowability or "chakras"! This is called a "samadhi" (Moksha) experience in Hinduism, a "satrori" (Nirvana) experience in Buddhism, and a "Fanaa" in Sufism. Once this experience has been gained by Grace and established by conviction, all knowledge is revealed by ones own consciousness until consciousness itself is fully transcended whilst living - ie. a jivamukti or death in life.
In the meantime, spirit ironically needs matter (the body) to realise it is not the body! From earth to ether, the life force has to mature through the bio-mechanical (earth) to bio-chemical (water) means through bio-vibrational/pranic (fire) transformation to bio-environ-mental (air) and bio-spiritual (ether)levels. The nadis carrying the life force have to evolve the mind and consciousness through to the 7th level chakra to attain the pranava (OM) and realise the Atmic Self or Brahma beyond.
So why not develop a chakrapedia to consciously direct the life force with self-awareness, and thereby facilitate the ripening of mind through a metaphysical integration of knowledge; ultimately arriving at the Truth or freedom of Spirit beyond both knowledge, ignorance and the need to know!
With a chakrapedia, this might start at the level of knowledge of the body and its 7 chakras, ie. a level of ignorance and inertia (tama guna), but could also provide the foundation for higher, inner knowledge as the 3 "gunas" (tama, raja & satwa) of prakriti (nature) that constitute the primordial sound AUM of consciousness with its (and humanities shared) 3 inner (deep sleep, dream, waking states) and outer (night, dawn-dusk, day) states of change. This knowledge, as consciousness, prepares the knower for the experience of the Spiritual Heart, Real Self or Brahman.
To quote Sai Baba; "by imbibing the teachings...your Tamo Guna (quality of inertia) will be raised into Raja Guna (quality of rigorous activity) and purified into Satwa Guna (quality of poise and serenity). It is like the fruit growing by the combined influence of the earth and the sun first into the full sourness, then to partial sweetness and finally complete sweetness, in three stages. Man too by the twin forces of the grace from without and the yearning from within grows into the complete sweetness of Ananda (bliss) and Prema (Love)".
The end of knowledge is love, the end of wisdom is freedom. Tat Twam Asi (I am That - the particularised and Universal are One)
or, as Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj said;
"Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows."
Metaphysics of Yoga ("YogA-U-Metaphysics")
More on Chakras:-
The 7 chakras can be correlated to the 7 Rays of the Theosophical Movement (ie. esoteric astrology of Alice Bailey) using the astro-yogic correspondence to planets and their signs of ownership and exaltation (as explained on the above link).
Thus, from the above, the metaphysics of the 7 chakras of the Indian Yoga system may be researched to relate the 7 Rays of the New Age Movement (Aquarian Age); based on the metaphysics of 7, from its sacred geometry originating in the West (through the Greek Mystery schools of Pythagorus).
Notably, in numerology and mystery schools, the sacred geometry of the number 7 plays a prominent role in everything from the angle of the pyramids to the numerological value of AUM in the Vedic system.
Also, interestingly, Sri Aurobindo, who envisaged a golden age of heaven on earth, has as his symbol the six pointed star with the 7th lotus in the middle (symbolising the crown chakra in the Heart).
With the dawn of the Aquarian Age, many of these New Age movements have talked about the entering of the 7th Violet Ray and a Golden Age of Truth for Mankind; a manifestation of Sat-ya (Truth) Loka (7th heaven) on Earth. Aquarius is ruled by Sat-urn, Uranus & Rahu. Sap-ta in Sanskrit means 7 and Aquarius governs the 1st chakra. Therefore, the Aquarian Age of the 7th Ray is envisioned as a Golden Age in which the highest heaven (Sat-ya) Loka will be manifested on earth (bhur loka - base chakra).
Like the Indians, the Greeks connected the Age of Saturn to an Age of Truth. The sign Libra, which is where Saturn is exalted, is often found prominent in the charts of spiritual leaders such as Ramana Maharishi (Ascendant), Mahatma Ghandi (Ascendant), Sat-ya Sai Baba (Ascendant) and Paramamsa Ramakrishna (Ascendant lord Saturn exalted in Libra), and embodies the spiritual ideal on earth. Note that the Sun (Soul) is exalted in Aries but opposite to it (Saturn in Libra) represents the souls perfection (in matter) on the physical plane (heaven on earth).
(7 chakras to 7 portals of "knowing"; ie. Divinity, Detachment, Discrimination, Devotion, Determination, Desire (Discipline), Duty (Dollar). See http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/
Below are some links from the above mentioned chakrapedia (with visions of the future)

It is my belief that a deeper understanding of metaphysics/sacred geometry/mysticism & mythology (of all traditions) and the integration of these holistic systems into the mainstream of many people's lives and cultures will help revolutionize a spiritual consciousness that is taking place under the current era of global financial, mental and spiritual crisis.
A deeper, intellectual understanding of inter-faith and a humanistic approach is required. As examples, consider the importance of Sufism, Yoga/Tantra & Zen in the world today and the following links:-
Sufism (Mystic Islam): for more links on the mysticism & Sufism, to the sacred geometry in Islamic architecture, it's lunar calendar & the metaphysics of the Perennialists, See; http://innereyesfamilyorchestra.blogspot.com/2011/11/islam-sufism-great-muslim-sufi-scholars.html
Yoga: Hinduism or Health: http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/2008/12/yoga-in-hinduism.html
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indian_philosophy & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_%28illusion%29 (Maya) & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gu%E1%B9%87a (Guna)
Yoga in Sufism: (bottom of post) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga
Zen: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zen
Comparative Mysticism: http://www.age-of-the-sage.org/mysticism/index.html & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mysticism
Transcendentalism (in the USA & the West): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendentalism & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcendental_idealism
Perennialism (Unity of Mystic Faiths/Metaphysicians): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perennial_philosophy; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traditionalist_School, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integral_%28spirituality%29, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Educational_perennialism
Etymology, Symbolism & Mythology: http://www.constellationsofwords.com/; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Etymology; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolism & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mythology
Philosophy, Epistemology & Metaphysics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philosophy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epistemology, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysics, http://www.venoastrology.com/article5.htm
Humanism & Philanthropy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humanism & http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philanthropy
Sathya Sai Baba Organisation (Philanthropy, Perennialist Philosophy of the Sanata Dharma, to education in human values) http://amamariesimard.tripod.com/id12.html & http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/ (links to Sai organsiation, inter-faith groups, other spiritual teachers & Yoga)
Philanthropic (Metaphysics) Business Model: http://metaphysicalhouse.blogspot.com/ (brief introduction to metaphysics at bottom half of post page)
For this purpose, I proposed a vision (the Jiva Project - 2003) for the synthesis of business, educational (including mystic/metaphysical inter-faith) and a health model through the ideas presented on my JiVa5 edu-create proposal - via http://www.scribd.com/doc/59746774/Edu-Create-Book. or http://www.cyberax.eu/book/2091309/edu-create-book (an educational proposal using the language of metaphor, metaphysics and associative symbolic learning (including Jyotish) to bridge the edu-care of human values with the education of socratic perennialism; the Appendix has more on philosophy & Vedantic metaphysics)
Using the metaphysical axiom of "as above, so below", this is a proposal to suggest an internet astro-chakra portal to help connect knowledge categorised into 7 levels of symbolic associated topics based on correlations between chakras in Yoga and the karakas of Jyotish astrology to the affairs of daily life. Posts could be collected as in "wikipedia" and compartmetalised in sub-portal topics in one of the relevant 7 main chakra portals. A search engine could be developed to find pages stored in their relevant sub-portal; in the process, revealing the associated topics in other sub-portals. See an example of this through the "chakrapedia" link below.
Connecting Yoga(chakras) & Jyotish (planetary karakas) through the Metaphyics of Sankhya Philosophy
Based on the Sankya philosophy, the microcosm (Jiva - soul) and macrocosm (Siva - God) are one and the same Purusha (spirit) with the 5 elemental Prakriti (nature) constituting and enveloping both.
These 5 elements correlate to the 5 Senses/Planets/Values:-
Ether&Jupiter/Space,Sound,Ears,Hearing/Ahimsa Non-violence;
Air & Saturn/Time, Skin & Touch/Shanti & Peace;
Fire & Mars/Light, Eyes & Sight/Sathya & Truth;
Water & Venus/Tongue & Taste/Prema & Love;
Earth & Mercury/Nose & Smell/Dharma & Right Action.
In the astrological context, the power of Maya (illusion of the Moon's Nodes)creates the flux in the Space (Jupiter) of consciousness, in which Sun's light is veiled and refracted into a world, with its laws and limits of Saturn, Time and Karma.
It operates on the particularised Jiva as the 5 koshas (sheaths of food, life force, mind, intelligence and bliss).
In jyotish (vedic astrology and astronomy), this power of Maya is represented by the ecliptic points Kethu (south node) and Rahu (north node of the Moon).
From the perspective of the chakra system of hatha/kundalini Yoga, these nodes represent the 7th crown (universal) chakra; the 1008 petalled lotus.
Kethu (the veiling, upward and releasing power) eclipses the sun, whilst Rahu (the projecting, involuting downward materialising power) eclipses the Moon. Thus, the 6th chakra with its 2 petals and nadis (solar and lunar) represent these two luminaries below the 7th. Consecutively below the 6th are the 5th chakra (ruled by Mercury with its 2 signs), the 4th chakra (Venus), 3rd (Mars), 2nd (Jupiter) and 1st (Saturn).
Through this scheme, 2 signs share a chakra each, and all 12 signs represent the 6 ascending chakras with the 7th ruled by the nodes; the last representing Maya's hold by the Purusha (spirit) creating the sense of duality of consciousness, separation and plurality of JiVas.
By this integration of the 7 levels of yoga with jyotish, I developed the idea of a d'Chakrapaedia which correlates the 7 chakras to 7 portals of "knowing"; ie. Divinity, Detachment, Discrimination, Devotion, Determination, Desire (Discipline), Duty (& the Dollar). See http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/. The blog correlates the 7 chakras, as the quantum and metaphysical portals, to "you" as the "knower" or "jiva", and shares knowledge of the "world" or "known" through these 7 portals of knowing in the context of Sai Baba's and others teachings.
The aim is a more synthesized knowledge base, unifying knowledge into a fullness that helps the knower become more naturally one with the known (the world) and guide one to a spiritual knowledge of oneself.
Note: The Real Self or Brahman principle is beyond the 7 chakra centres but is, according to the Advaita Vedanta of Ramana Maharishi, located in the body as the sense of "I" (ie. the 8 petalled lotus in the right side of the chest, and NOT the physical heart or anahata 4th chakra with its associated cardiac plexus and thymus gland).
This Spiritual Heart centre is connected through the crown chakra via the "amrita nadi". However, the chit-jagath granthi (knot of world consciousness) veils this Heart due to the mind being turned outwards and ignorantly and habitually identified with the limited body, maintaining one's sense of separation from the world.
However, once this knot is released through abidance in and realisation of the Real Self (the Brahman or Tat,) becoming the Jiva-atma (the Soul or Twam), the "knower, knowing & knowledge" are transcended; Brahman being beyond time, space, knowability or "chakras"! This is called a "samadhi" (Moksha) experience in Hinduism, a "satrori" (Nirvana) experience in Buddhism, and a "Fanaa" in Sufism. Once this experience has been gained by Grace and established by conviction, all knowledge is revealed by ones own consciousness until consciousness itself is fully transcended whilst living - ie. a jivamukti or death in life.
In the meantime, spirit ironically needs matter (the body) to realise it is not the body! From earth to ether, the life force has to mature through the bio-mechanical (earth) to bio-chemical (water) means through bio-vibrational/pranic (fire) transformation to bio-environ-mental (air) and bio-spiritual (ether)levels. The nadis carrying the life force have to evolve the mind and consciousness through to the 7th level chakra to attain the pranava (OM) and realise the Atmic Self or Brahma beyond.
So why not develop a chakrapedia to consciously direct the life force with self-awareness, and thereby facilitate the ripening of mind through a metaphysical integration of knowledge; ultimately arriving at the Truth or freedom of Spirit beyond both knowledge, ignorance and the need to know!
With a chakrapedia, this might start at the level of knowledge of the body and its 7 chakras, ie. a level of ignorance and inertia (tama guna), but could also provide the foundation for higher, inner knowledge as the 3 "gunas" (tama, raja & satwa) of prakriti (nature) that constitute the primordial sound AUM of consciousness with its (and humanities shared) 3 inner (deep sleep, dream, waking states) and outer (night, dawn-dusk, day) states of change. This knowledge, as consciousness, prepares the knower for the experience of the Spiritual Heart, Real Self or Brahman.
To quote Sai Baba; "by imbibing the teachings...your Tamo Guna (quality of inertia) will be raised into Raja Guna (quality of rigorous activity) and purified into Satwa Guna (quality of poise and serenity). It is like the fruit growing by the combined influence of the earth and the sun first into the full sourness, then to partial sweetness and finally complete sweetness, in three stages. Man too by the twin forces of the grace from without and the yearning from within grows into the complete sweetness of Ananda (bliss) and Prema (Love)".
The end of knowledge is love, the end of wisdom is freedom. Tat Twam Asi (I am That - the particularised and Universal are One)
or, as Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj said;
"Love says 'I am everything.' Wisdom says 'I am nothing.' Between the two, my life flows."
Metaphysics of Yoga ("YogA-U-Metaphysics")
For more on Yoga: Hinduism versus the role of Health in Yoga:-
More on Chakras:-
The 7 chakras can be correlated to the 7 Rays of the Theosophical Movement (ie. esoteric astrology of Alice Bailey) using the astro-yogic correspondence to planets and their signs of ownership and exaltation (as explained on the above link).
Thus, from the above, the metaphysics of the 7 chakras of the Indian Yoga system may be researched to relate the 7 Rays of the New Age Movement (Aquarian Age); based on the metaphysics of 7, from its sacred geometry originating in the West (through the Greek Mystery schools of Pythagorus).
Notably, in numerology and mystery schools, the sacred geometry of the number 7 plays a prominent role in everything from the angle of the pyramids to the numerological value of AUM in the Vedic system.
Also, interestingly, Sri Aurobindo, who envisaged a golden age of heaven on earth, has as his symbol the six pointed star with the 7th lotus in the middle (symbolising the crown chakra in the Heart).
With the dawn of the Aquarian Age, many of these New Age movements have talked about the entering of the 7th Violet Ray and a Golden Age of Truth for Mankind; a manifestation of Sat-ya (Truth) Loka (7th heaven) on Earth. Aquarius is ruled by Sat-urn, Uranus & Rahu. Sap-ta in Sanskrit means 7 and Aquarius governs the 1st chakra. Therefore, the Aquarian Age of the 7th Ray is envisioned as a Golden Age in which the highest heaven (Sat-ya) Loka will be manifested on earth (bhur loka - base chakra).
Like the Indians, the Greeks connected the Age of Saturn to an Age of Truth. The sign Libra, which is where Saturn is exalted, is often found prominent in the charts of spiritual leaders such as Ramana Maharishi (Ascendant), Mahatma Ghandi (Ascendant), Sat-ya Sai Baba (Ascendant) and Paramamsa Ramakrishna (Ascendant lord Saturn exalted in Libra), and embodies the spiritual ideal on earth. Note that the Sun (Soul) is exalted in Aries but opposite to it (Saturn in Libra) represents the souls perfection (in matter) on the physical plane (heaven on earth).
(7 chakras to 7 portals of "knowing"; ie. Divinity, Detachment, Discrimination, Devotion, Determination, Desire (Discipline), Duty (Dollar). See http://yoga-chakrapedia-portal.blogspot.com/
For a more detailed explanation of the yoga-chakrapedia-portal design "I-sight", see http://metaphysicalhouse.blogspot.com/2010_05_01_archive.html
Below are some links from the above mentioned chakrapedia (with visions of the future)